Windows 10 Original Product Key

Did you ever wonder what is Windows 10 Original Product Key after upgrade from Windows 7 or Windows 8 ?

I found that after every upgrade Windows 10 Pro Installed Key is :


What happened with original key ?

After some research i found that only two programs (I was searching for scripts also) shows what is hidden.

One is ShowKeyPlus:


Second one is ProduKey :


Both are great, but what i need was something that I can use in PowerShell script to save and check Windows 10 Original Product Key and here ProduKey wins.

The trick is that the original Windows key in ProduKey can be check under the Internet Exporer key

My pice of script:

Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\AutomationLogs\ProduKey.exe' -ArgumentList '/IEKeys 1 /WindowsKeys 1 /scomma C:\AutomationLogs\ProduKey.csv' -Wait

if(Test-Path -Path 'C:\AutomationLogs\ProduKey.csv')
$Header = 'ProductName','ProductID','ProductKey','InstallationFolder','ServicePack','ComputerName','ModifiedTime'
$ProduKey = Import-Csv -Path 'C:\AutomationLogs\ProduKey.csv' -Delimiter ',' -Header $Header

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